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If you behave, you get cool stuff.

Jeannine Bailey

I started a consistent journal practice this year that I just love - I do it every morning, and it's a really positive way to start the day. I adapted it from the type of Start Today journal that Rachel Hollis lays out in her book Girl, Stop Apologizing.

I start with the five things I am grateful for that day (I love an excuse to focus on gratitude). I follow that with the ten dreams I have, written as if they have already come true, with the one dream I am focused on making come true. Then, I conclude with the three things I am proud of myself for. It only takes about fifteen minutes, but it's really positive way to start the day.

On the mornings that Diana wakes up early, she comes into my office to visit me and catches me doing my journal. She's always very interested in what I am doing and why.

Recently, I got a new little notebook from a conference I attended at Church of the Highlands, and when she saw it, she started begging me for it. "I have always wanted my own diary", "I need to write down my ideas, too!" and the kicker, "Then, I can be like you!" So I gave it to her, and now, she wants to write in it WITH me. She wants to use it to collect the things we have learned.

When we sat down to write the first night, she had big ideas of what she wanted to include. With her tongue sticking out in concentration, she painstakingly captured her learning for the first day, one letter at a time. Then, she handed me the journal and I wr0te down what I had learned that day, too.

Honestly, these are good learnings for all of us.

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